2023-5-17 08:16 |
Two boys, aged 6 and to10 years old, from the northern city of Isfara, whose illness could not be diagnosed, have been taken to Dushanbe.
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2023-5-17 08:16 |
Two boys, aged 6 and to10 years old, from the northern city of Isfara, whose illness could not be diagnosed, have been taken to Dushanbe.
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Ten children from Tajikistan were sent to China for surgeries to treat congenital heart defects, and five of them have already undergone the operations, an official source within the Chinese Embassy in Dushanbe told Asia-Plus in an interview. asiaplustj.info »
2025-01-16 12:49
In Dushanbe, children can be seen washing cars, selling small items, behind the counters of stores and other retail outlets where they help and sometimes even replace adults. They offer their help to carry bags and heavy bags near large shopping malls, and some of them even offer to shine shoes, a report issued by CABAR.asia on June 6 says . asiaplustj.info »
2022-06-16 12:33
Thirty-six parents from Khatlon province have been punished over the first six months of this year for children’s truancy, according to the Khatlon prosecutor’s office. Criminal proceedings have been instituted against them under the provisions of Article 164 of Tajikistan’s Penal Code -- obstruction of obtaining basic compulsory general (nine-year) education. asiaplustj.info »
2021-07-23 09:36
More than 70 women and children were evacuated from border areas of Chorkuh jamoat in the evening of April 29. They were placed in a dormitory of the Branch of the Technological University of Tajikistan in Isfara. asiaplustj.info »
2021-04-30 12:17