G20 leaders agree to involve Taliban in distributing Afghanistan aid

2021-10-13 14:55

Media reports say leaders agree in principle that funds can be channeled through UN agencies to avert ‘humanitarian meltdown’ The Guardian notes that G20 leaders and ministers have agreed they will have no option but to involve the Taliban in sending humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, but say that this stops short of political recognition of the Taliban as a government.

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taliban the that leaders

Imran Khan says he conveyed a message to the Taliban from Emomali Rahmon to create an inclusive government

Pakistani Prime Minister starts negotiations with Taliban. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said that after talks with President Emomali Rahmon, he began negotiations with the Taliban (banned in Tajikistan) on the establishment of an inclusive government in Afghanistan. asiaplustj.info »

2021-09-20 14:29

Taliban announces the composition of the Afghan government. It was headed by Mullah Hasan Okhund

The Taliban terrorist movement today, September 7, announced the composition of their government at a press conference in Kabul. Mullah Hasan Okhund became the head of the government, before that he was considered the head of the Taliban leaders' council, which led the group during the war with the government army. asiaplustj.info »

2021-09-08 10:03

Taliban take over Panjshir, National Resistance Front denies it

NSF reports that resistance fighters are in their positions. Taliban announces complete takeover of Panjshir, Afghanistan's last province not controlled by the Taliban, Meduza reports. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted on the morning of September 6 that "the last stronghold of enemy mercenaries, Panjshir province, has been completely taken over.". asiaplustj.info »

2021-09-06 15:11

Russian foreign ministry calls on the Taliban to engage in dialogue with the resistance forces in Panjshir

Russia hopes that the Taliban group will abandon the idea of a military offensive against the resistance forces in Panjshir province, riafan.ru reported yesterday.   Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has reportedly made such a statement, commenting on “the situation around the Afghan region. asiaplustj.info »

2021-09-03 08:24

The Taliban shut down Internet in Panjshir valley to stop Northern Alliance from galvanizing support

Afghan media reports say that in a bid to curb the Northern Alliance’s increasing resistance in Panjshir, the Taliban has cut down the province’s internet connection. Raha news agency, in particular, says the Taliban have shut down the internet in Panjshir valley, where resistance forces are holding a last stand against them in Afghanistan. asiaplustj.info »

2021-08-30 14:56

Taliban declares general 'amnesty' for Afghan government officials, urges women to join government

Media reports say the Taliban declared a "general amnesty" for all government officials on August 17 and urged them to return to work.  They also urged women to join the government.   The promises of amnesty from Enamullah Samangani, a member of the Taliban’s cultural commission, were the first comments on how the Taliban might govern on a national level. asiaplustj.info »

2021-08-17 13:15