Результатов: 9

Компания «Сароб» и «Better Cotton» Великобритании подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве

ДУШАНБЕ, 08.11.2024 /НИАТ «Ховар»/. Заместитель министра сельского хозяйства Республики Таджикистан Нигина Анвари 7 ноября встретилась с директором программы «Лучший хлопок» Великобритании Иветой Овури. Об этом НИАТ «Ховар» сообщили в пресс-центре khovar.tj »

2024-11-8 09:24

Thousands of people in Shahrinav receive better access to healthcare

The Rural health center (RHC) in Shahrinav district has been renovated and equipped. This will significantly improve medical services for the population provided by family doctors and nurses. The population (approximately, 8000 people) of the village of Mirzo Tursunzoda and other neighbouring villages now have access to primary health care services at the renovated RHC. asiaplustj.info »

2024-3-19 12:42

Russian vice-premier explains why labor migrants are better than Russians

Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Marat Husnullin, has explained why labor migrants are better than Russians.  According to him, they work more while get paid less. At the same time, he called for the use of foreign builders at Russian construction sites on condition of the development of strict legislation in this area. asiaplustj.info »

2022-2-17 14:22