Результатов: 9

Учения Cold Response 2022: НАТО сделало новый шаг к эскалации

Масштабные маневры Североатлантического альянса в Норвегии и прилегающей морской акватории отражают намерение "партнеров" проверить на прочность Русский Север tj.sputniknews.ru »

2022-3-16 08:47

Weather forecasters predict cold winter in Tajikistan this year

Tajik weather forecasters predict that it will be a cold winter in Tajikistan this year. 15-degree frosts are reportedly expected in mid-December. A decrease in temperature will begin from the second half of November and a cold weather will make it to the whole territory of the country by the end of the month, according to the Hydrometeorology Agency (Hydromet). asiaplustj.info »

2020-11-10 14:08