Результатов: 112

Three killed in coal mine collapse in Ayni district: what compensation can the relatives expect?

On January 18, a collapse occurred at the Fon-Yagnob coal mine in Ayni district, resulting in the deaths of three individuals.   An official source within the State Supervision Service for Industrial Safety (Service) told Asia-Plus in an interview that specialists have been dispatched to the site to thoroughly investigate the circumstances and causes of the incident. asiaplustj.info »

2025-1-22 08:56

A woman from Zafarobod district suspected of killing her 9-year-old stepson

A 28-year-old woman has been detained in Zafarobod district of Sughd province on suspicion of killing her husband’s 9-year-old son, the Interior Ministry’s office in Sughd province says.  Nargiza Niyozova, a resident of Mehrobod settlement in this district, married Sorbon Niyozov two years ago, with this being the second marriage for both. asiaplustj.info »

2024-12-4 07:57

President inaugurates the motorcycle-manufacturing plant in Khatlon’s Kuhsoniyon district

On Thursday November 7, the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, in continuation of his working trip to the southern province of Khatlon, visited Kushoniyon district. The president’s official website says Emomali Rahmon inaugurated the "Vahsh Sanoat" plant for the manufacturing of two-wheeled and three-wheeled motorcycles in the district. asiaplustj.info »

2024-11-8 08:11

Rehabilitation of the road from Qalai Khumb to Rushan district’s border planned to be completed in early 2025

In a report released at a news conference in Dushanbe, the Minister of Transport Azim Ibrohim said on July 24 that rehabilitation of the road from Qalai Khumb, the administrative center of the Darvoz district in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) to the border of GBAO’s Rushan district must be completed in the first months of 2025. asiaplustj.info »

2024-7-25 12:22

Five residents of Yazgulom jamoat in GBAO’s Vanj district extradited by Russia

Russian officials detained five residents of Yazgulom jamoat (village community, which is he third-level administrative divisions, similar to communes or municipalities) in Vanj district of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) and extradited them to Tajikistan, where they were charged with "membership in an extremist organization," a source close to Tajik law enforcement asiaplustj.info »

2024-6-18 09:19

Deputy head of Shahritous district detained on suspicion of bribery

The press center of the Agency for State Financial Control and Combating Corruption under the President of Tajikistan reported on April 23 that the deputy head of Shahritous district in Khatlon province, Komiljon Mirzobadalzoda, was arrested on April 18 on suspicion of taking 5000 somonis from a local resident A.S. for exempting his son from military service. asiaplustj.info »

2024-4-26 14:29

A mosque in hi-tech style reopens after reconstruction in Tashkent’s Chilanzar district

The Hasankhon Qori mosque has reopened after reconstruction in Tashkent’s Chilanzar district, Pdrobno.uz reported on March 11.  Podrobno.uz’s reporter says the building acquired an unusual appearance for a religious institution in high-tech style. According to Podrobno. asiaplustj.info »

2024-3-13 08:37

110/35/10 kV electrical substation introduced into operation in Vose district

On Friday October 20, as part of his working trip to the southern province of Khatlon President Emomali Rahmon visited Vose district, according to the Tajik president’s official website.      During the visit, Emomali Rahmon reportedly inaugurated the 110/35/10 kV electrical substation in Hulbuk settlement. asiaplustj.info »

2023-10-20 13:32

The Terminology Committee proposes to return to Murgab district its historical name

Speaking at a news conference in Dushanbe, representatives of the Language and Terminology Committee under Government of Tajikistan noted on August 3 that names of 7,695 geographical features and 5,083 settlements in Tajikistan do not correspond to national traditions, and all of them will be renamed in the future. asiaplustj.info »

2023-8-3 14:24

Man from Khatlon’s Farkhor district faces charge of Hajj fraud

A 30-year-old resident of Farkhor district in the southern province Khatlon has been detained on suspicion of a large scale fraud,, the Interior Ministry’s official website says .       He reportedly took a total of 179,934 somonis from two persons promising to help them perform the Hajj but he did not fulfill the promise and simply pocketed the money. asiaplustj.info »

2023-7-17 09:42

President inaugurates nursery for keeping rare animals in Shahriston district

On Wednesday, July 5, President Emomali Rahmon attended an official opening ceremony of  nursery for keeping rare animals in Shahriston district, Sughd province. The president’s official website says the total area of the nursery is 200 hectares, and this area of Shahriston district has a favorable climate for breeding rare animals. asiaplustj.info »

2023-7-6 13:03

Water supply line introduced into operation in Shahriston district

As part of his working visit to the northern province of Sughd, President Emomali Rahmon visited Shahriston district on July 5, according to the Tajik president’s official website.  Rahmon  reportedly first commissioned a new water supply facility in Khurramdara area and got acquainted with cultivation of potatoes in the "Nour" Farm. asiaplustj.info »

2023-7-6 12:48

Damage caused by earthquake to Kuhistoni Mastchoh district estimated at more than 4.1 million somonis

Damaged caused by earthquake to eight villages in Kuhistoni Mastchoh district of Sughd province has been estimated at 4,188,970 somonis. An official source within the Sughd emergency management agency says this figure is preliminary and the amount of damage may change.   Mr. asiaplustj.info »

2023-4-6 13:12

38 avalanches reportedly come down in GBAO’s Rushan district in a day

The Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan says dozens of avalanches and mudslides have occurred in Tajikistan over the past couple of days. Yesterday, 38 avalanches reportedly came down in Rushan district of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) alone. “Rural roads are temporarily closed for traffic,” Ms. asiaplustj.info »

2023-2-22 07:48