Результатов: 31

Выставка «Dushanbe International Tourism Exhibition» объединила отечественные и зарубежные туристические компании, рестораны и гостиницы

ДУШАНБЕ, 26.09.2024 /НИАТ «Ховар»/. Проведение первой Международной туристической выставки «Душанбе-2024» («Dushanbe International Tourism Exhibition») (DITE-2024) — очень значимое и знаменательное событие для Таджикистана, которое внесет существенный вклад в развитие сферы туризма. khovar.tj »

2024-9-27 12:40

Exhibition of Tajik products held in London on the margins of the UK-Tajikistan investment forum

A two-day investment forum of Tajikistan and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) took place in London on March 28-29.  Representatives of relevant government bodies of Tajikistan and as well as entrepreneurs of the two countries working in the fields of energy, production, service delivery, logistics and pharmaceutics reportedly participated in the event. asiaplustj.info »

2023-3-30 09:45

«POP-UP Fashion exhibition Шохи». Как прошло самое модное событие весны

В преддверии весенних праздников в Душанбе прошла выставка таджикских дизайнеров. « POP - UP Fashion exhibition Шохи» - стала площадкой как для опытных дизайнеров, так и для тех, кто только начинает свой путь в мире моды. asiaplustj.info »

2022-3-6 16:08

Rahmon, Macron inaugurates exhibition of historical items of Tajikistan at Guimet Museum in Paris

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron yesterday attended an official opening ceremony of an exhibition of historical items of Tajikistan, dubbed “Tajikistan - the Land of Golden Rivers”, the Guimet Museum in Paris, according to the Tajik president’s official website. asiaplustj.info »

2021-10-14 08:56

Russian agricultural machinery exhibition kicks off in Dushanbe today

A large Russian agricultural machinery exhibition kicked off in Dushanbe on October 11.  Seventeen Russian companies such as Rostselmash, St. Petersburg tractor plant Kirovets, Volga combine plan Agromash, Melinvest, KamAZ, Tractor Limited Liability Company Uralets, engineering plants Bonum and Foxtank Motors and others are participating in the exhibition, dubbed Russian-Tajik Field Day. asiaplustj.info »

2021-10-11 15:18

Dushanbe hosts an exhibition of children's creativity "Welcome to the 20th anniversary of the SCO"

The National Museum of Tajikistan hosted the opening ceremony of the exhibition of children's creativity of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states entitled "Welcome to the 20th anniversary of the SCO", reported by the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »

2021-9-8 08:55