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Tajikistan increases coal exports nearly fifteen times, says industry minister

Over the first six months of this year, production of industrial goods in the country has amounted to 19.1 billion somonis, which was 17.3 percent or 2.8 billion somonis more than in the same period last year, the Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan, Sherali Kabir, told reporters in Dushanbe on July 18. asiaplustj.info »

2022-7-19 09:25

Tajikistan increases gold production by 8.2 percent

Over the first nine months of this year, Tajikistan has produced gold 8.2 percent more compared to the same period last year, according to the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies (MoINT). The ministry, however, did not disclose the amount of gold produced in the country over the reporting period because this information reportedly refers to state secrets. asiaplustj.info »

2021-11-6 15:02

UN envoy says risk of global food shortages increases due to COVID-19 pandemic

Agnes Kalibata, the special envoy to the UN secretary general for the food systems summit 2021, said in an exclusive interview with The Guardian on February 15 that price rises and scarcity mean people in poverty are in more danger than last year She warned that people living in poverty around the world are in danger of food shortages as the coronavirus crisis continues Agnes Kalibata asiaplustj.info »

2021-2-16 08:31