‘Review their cases and release them’: Lawyers of Shokirjon and Rukhshona Hakimov appeal Supreme Court verdict
The lawyers of renowned legal expert Shokirjon Hakimov and journalist Rukhshona Hakimova, convicted in the asiaplustj.info »
Lawyers - Последние новости | |
The lawyers of renowned legal expert Shokirjon Hakimov and journalist Rukhshona Hakimova, convicted in the asiaplustj.info »
The defense lawyers for eight individuals accused in the so-called "coup" case in Tajikistan have requested the court to declare their clients innocent, Radio Liberty’s Tajik Service , known locally as Radio Ozodi , reported on January 14. asiaplustj.info »
Нидерландская неправительственная организация Lawyers for Lawyers («Адвокаты для адвокатов») призвала власти Таджикистана освободить известного адвоката Бузургмехра Ёрова в связи с угрозой его жизни и здоровью из-за эпидемии коронавируса. rus.ozodi.org »