Research: Tajikistan leads in low CO
Tajikistan has the lowest per capita carbon dioxide emissions in Central Asia, remaining significantly below 1991 levels. »
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Tajikistan has the lowest per capita carbon dioxide emissions in Central Asia, remaining significantly below 1991 levels. » says the problem of land falling out of crop rotation has become increasingly acute in Tajikistan’s agricultural regions in recent years. Experts discuss water scarcity and management failures, while farmers expect negative consequences in the coming years. »
Tajikistan’s population is seriously concerned over increasing prices for petroleum products in the country because a fuel price hike inevitably leads to increase in the price of basic food products. »
Since the beginning of the year, the Celestial Empire has provided the republic with humanitarian assistance in the amount of $ 14 million. In eight months of this year, Tajikistan received humanitarian aid worth more than $ 33. »