Результатов: 5

Tajikistan requests ITFC to increase funding in priority sectors of its economy

On September 18, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade/Islamic Development Bank Governor from Tajikistan, Zavqi Zavqizoda met here with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), Nazeem Noordali, who was on a working visit in Tajikistan. What is the difference between a CEO and a COO? asiaplustj.info »

2024-9-20 12:24

EU extends a first tranche of €4 million to Tajikistan to help accelerating priority reform actions

The European Union (EU) upgrades its long-term assistance program in Tajikistan assisting the national reforms on technical and vocational education, training as well as employment by introducing a new cooperation model, says a press release issued by the EU Delegation to Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »

2024-2-9 15:31

To accelerate inclusive economic growth, boosting financial Inclusion is a priority for Tajikistan

Tajikistan has taken great strides in reducing poverty levels and boosting economic growth over the last decades., Ms. Cassandra Colbert, IFC Senior Manager, Central Asia, notes. Between 2000 and 2021, the poverty rate, measured by the national poverty line, fell from more than four-fifths of the population to just over a quarter, while the economy grew at an average of 7 percent a year. asiaplustj.info »

2022-10-28 09:05