Результатов: 19

Authorities reduce electricity rate for fertilizers plant Fertilizer Producer Azot

The Government of Tajikistan has issued a decree lowering electricity tariff for the fertilizers plant, JSC Azot .  According to a document published on the Ministry of Justice’s legal information portal, the tariff for the company will be reduced from 46.40 dirams per kilowatt-hour to 30.75 dirams. asiaplustj.info »

2024-11-21 14:04

Integrated environmental education will reduce the pressure on nature in Tajikistan

The consequences of climate change are to some extent already noticeable in Tajikistan.  Independent researcher Abduqodir Khurshed notes that in order to build a full-fledged strategy for adaptation to climate change as soon as possible, it is necessary to develop environmental education.  The global average temperature has already risen by 0. asiaplustj.info »

2021-2-24 12:21

Tajik banks instructed to reduce interest rates on loans

National Bank ordered credit institutions of the republic to improve the conditions for providing loans to customers. The head of the National Bank of Tajikistan Jamshed Nurmakhmadzoda instructed the leadership of the country's credit organizations to increase lending at the expense of available financial resources, reducing interest rates on loans. asiaplustj.info »

2020-9-28 08:35

Tajikistan expected to reduce number of types of taxes, lower some tax rates

Tajikistan is expected to reduce number of type of taxes and lower some tax rates.  So, at least, it says in the new edition of the tax code, which has not yet been adopted.  The inter-agency commission has completed the final version of the country’ tax code in new edition and submitted it for consideration to the government. asiaplustj.info »

2020-8-20 14:39