Результатов: 53

The issues of Vorukh road and water facilities are still under discussion, says top Tajik diplomat

Although the state border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan has been fully delineated, two pressing issues—the road and water facilities, which have previously been sources of conflict—remain under discussion, Tajikistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sirojiddin Muhriddin, stated at a news conference in Dushanbe on February 11. asiaplustj.info »

2025-2-12 09:30

Стали известны потенциальные соперники таджикских клубов: каким будет Silk Road Cup

По инициативе Центральноазиатской футбольной ассоциации (CAFA) в 2025 году состоится первый «Кубок Шелкового пути» между клубами региона. Об этом сообщила медиа-служба CAFA. По формату турнир состоит из отборочного, группового и финального этапов. Всего в турнире примут участие 10 команд. asiaplustj.info »

2025-2-5 12:20

Rehabilitation of the Qalaikhumb-Vanj-Rushan border road to be completed by June

The Qalaikhumb–Vanj–Rushan border highway, which is part of the Dushanbe–Kulob-Khorog–China border multimodal international corridor, is set to be completed one year ahead of schedule in June 2025. This was announced by Tajikistan’s Minister of Transport, Azim Ibrohim, at a January 29 news conference in Dushanbe. asiaplustj.info »

2025-1-30 07:00

Minister of transport explains why Tajikistan needs a Road Fund

The main purpose of establishing the Road Fund is to extend the lifespan of the country's roads, Tajikistan’s Minister of Transport, Azim Ibrohim, told reporters in Dushanbe on January 29. According to him, a significant amount of money—around 30 billion somonis—has already been spent on the construction, reconstruction, and modernization of roads across the country. asiaplustj.info »

2025-1-29 12:40

Minister of transport acknowledges poor road conditions as a major issue in Tajikistan

One of the major challenges Tajikistan faces is its road conditions, or more specifically, the widespread issue of poor roads, the Minister of Transport Azim Ibrohim said on September 17, congratulating the country’s road workers on their professional holiday, the ministry's press center says . asiaplustj.info »

2024-9-19 12:32

Таджикский боец Самандар Муродов выступит на турнире Road to UFC

Таджикский боец Самандар Муродов (10-0) и американец Джонатан Пирсма (9-2) проведут бой в ночь на 24 августа на турнире Road To UFC. Поединок пройдет в Лас-Вегасе. Правда, победа ещё не гарантирует контракт, так как Муродов уже выигрывал один бой в Road To UFC и в эту лигу не попал. asiaplustj.info »

2024-8-16 07:23

Rehabilitation of the road from Qalai Khumb to Rushan district’s border planned to be completed in early 2025

In a report released at a news conference in Dushanbe, the Minister of Transport Azim Ibrohim said on July 24 that rehabilitation of the road from Qalai Khumb, the administrative center of the Darvoz district in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) to the border of GBAO’s Rushan district must be completed in the first months of 2025. asiaplustj.info »

2024-7-25 12:22

Rehabilitation of the Qala Khumb – Vanj – Rushan border road expected to be completed by the end of this year

In a report released at a news conference in Dushanbe, the Minister of Transport Azim Ibrohim revealed on February 8 that rehabilitation of the Qala Khumb – Vanj – Rushan border section of the Dushanbe-Kulob-Khorog-Kulma Pass highway in the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) will be completed by the end of this year. asiaplustj.info »

2024-2-9 13:39

Kazakhstan imposes a six-month ban on export of LNG by road and rail

Kazakhstan has imposed a six-month ban on the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by road and rail due to LNG shortage in the domestic market  “Taking into account the social significance of liquefied gas in the domestic market, the Ministry of Energy has developed a draft order banning the export of liquefied gas by road and rail for the period of six month,” says the asiaplustj.info »

2023-11-16 09:21

Министерство транспорта Таджикистана и «China Road and Bridge Corporation» подписали контракт на 31,2 миллиона долларов

ДУШАНБЕ, 28.03.2023 /НИАТ «Ховар»/. Министерство транспорта Таджикистана и китайская компания «China Road and Bridge Corporation» подписали контракт на строительство дорог и мостов в Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области в рамках четвертого этапа khovar.tj »

2023-3-28 14:04

Компания China Road обязалась построить автодорожную инфраструктуру в ГБАО

Министерство транспорта Таджикистана договорилось с китайской компанией China Road and Bridge Corporation о строительстве дорог и мостов на территории ГБАО, сообщает пресс-служба транспортного ведомства страны. asiaplustj.info »

2023-3-28 09:48

В Тбилиси застрелен соучредитель крупной инвестиционной компании Silk Road Group

Неизвестные застрелили в Тбилиси одного из учредителей крупной грузинской инвестиционной компании Silk Road Group Левана Качараву, передает телеканал «Рустави 2». По данным канала, 53-летний Качарава вместе со своим водителем находился… news.rambler.ru »

2022-6-24 20:51

China Road приступила к реабилитации ключевого участка автодороги Душанбе-Хорог

Работы по реабилитации автодорожного участка Калаи Хумб - Вандж (до границы Рушана) начались сегодня, 23 июля, сообщили «Азия Плюс» в министерстве транспорта страны. Заниматься реабилитацией этого  участка, который считается наиболее труднопроходим участком автодороги Душанбе – Хорог, будет  китайская компаниа China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC). asiaplustj.info »

2022-6-23 14:20

Американский Battery Road стал акционером таджикского стратапа Zypl.AI

Топовый американский венчурный фонд Battery Road Digital Holdings вложил инвестиции в Академию искусственного интеллекта Zypl.AI, базирующейся в Таджикистане. asiaplustj.info »

2022-3-9 06:49

Американский Battery Road стал акционером таджикского стартапа zypl.ai

Топовый американский венчурный фонд Battery Road Digital Holdings вложил инвестиции в в Академию искусственного интеллекта zypl.ai, базирующейся в Таджикистане. asiaplustj.info »

2022-3-10 06:49

Osh-Isfana road runs through territory of Tajikistan, says Sughd governor

Commenting on a statement by the governor of Kyrgyzstan’s Batken region about divisiveness of a 255-meter section of the Osh-Isfana road, Rajabboy Ahmadzoda, the governor of the Tajik northern province Sughd, said in an interview with Asia-Plus that that section of the Isfana-Osh road is the territory of Tajikistan and “our neighbors have no legal grounds to consider this area asiaplustj.info »

2022-2-1 09:56

13 state-funded road infrastructure development projects being implemented in Tajikistan

Thirteen national road infrastructure development projects funded with the state funds are currently being implemented in Tajikistan, the Dushanbe mayor’s office says .  Deputy Mayor of Dushanbe, Firdavs Saidzoda, reportedly stated this on January 18 while addressing a meeting of municipal transport workers in Dushanbe. asiaplustj.info »

2022-1-20 12:43

Тендер: Innovative Road Solutions ищет поставщика битума

Филиал АК «Innovative Road Solutions LTD» в Республике Таджикистан объявляет тендер на поставку: Дорожного нефтяного битума БНД 70/100 (ГОСТ 33133-2014) в количестве 3060 тонн с доставкой до CIP ст. Спитамен. asiaplustj.info »

2022-1-14 10:40

Rushan-Bartang road temporarily closed for traffic due to a snowfall

Torrential rain and heavy snowfall on January 6 caused an avalanche near Savnob village in Bartang jamoat of Rushan district in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) that blocked the road connecting the administrative center of Rushan district with Bartang jamoat, the press center of the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan said Friday (January 7) afternoon. asiaplustj.info »

2022-1-8 12:33

Silk Road Professionals: идея, воплощенная в реальность

“ Silk Road Professionals ” (официальное название - Мутахассисони Рохи Абрешим) это компания, занимающаяся аутсорсингом услуг разработки программного обеспечения. Она расположена недалеко от Худжанда в посёлке Дехмой Джаббор Расуловского района. asiaplustj.info »

2021-9-25 15:48

Road accident involving 10 cars occurred on the Dushanbe-Khujand highway. A woman died

The second fatal road accident happened in Gorno-Badakhshan. A road traffic accident occurred on September 14 at about 18:30 on the 65th km of the Dushanbe-Khujand highway in the Maykhura area of the Varzob district, the press secretary of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of Tajikistan, Lieutenant Colonel Umeda Yusufi told Asia-Plus. asiaplustj.info »

2021-9-16 12:30

Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan agreed to construct new road connecting two Tajik settlements

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have agreed to construct a new road connecting Tajik Khoja Alo village and Vorukh jamoat, Tajikistan’s exclave in Kyrgyz territory. A joint statement, released by the government delegations of the two countries on delimitation and demarcation of the mutual border Wednesday (May 5), says the status of this road will be determined by a separate agreement. asiaplustj.info »

2021-5-7 12:04

Chinese company starts building a road bypassing Roghun dam

Mr. Azim Aibrohim, Minister of Transport of Tajikistan and Mr. Fei Lyu, Manager - Authorized Representative at China’s Hunan Road & Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd, on April 12 signed here an agreement on implementation of the project aiming at constructing of a section of a road connecting the towns of Obigarm and Nourobod. asiaplustj.info »

2021-4-15 13:46

UN to help improve Tajikistan's road transport infrastructure

The organization is considering the possibilities of supporting the republic in the implementation of road projects. UN Resident Coordinator Sezin Sinanoglu at a meeting by videoconference with the Minister of Transport of Tajikistan Azim Ibrohim said that the UN is currently developing a new Strategy for cooperation with the republic. asiaplustj.info »

2020-10-6 12:02

5 people died in road accidents on the roads of Tajikistan

On the roads of Tajikistan, 5 people were killed and two were injured in two road accidents, reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan. On the Dushanbe-Khujand highway in the Ayni district, the driver of the Dulan car, 35-year-old Abdullo Davlatov, drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a Hyundai car driven by 54-year-old Munavvar Rajabzoda. asiaplustj.info »

2020-9-29 11:53