Результатов: 35

Government session discusses reparation of the country's economy for autumn-winter season

Presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, a government session took place in Dushanbe on March 29, according to the Tajik president’s official website.   The Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqi Zavqizoda reportedly reported on measures taken to ensure the regular work of the country’s economy during autumn-winter 2024-2025. asiaplustj.info »

2024-4-1 10:07

Government session held in Dushanbe yesterday to discuss economic issues

A government session, presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, who is also Head of the Government, took place in Dushanbe on December 27.  The Tajik president’s official website says Finance Minister Fayziddin Qahhorzoda reported on the Medium-Term Strategy for Managing the State Debt of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2024-2026. asiaplustj.info »

2023-12-28 09:23

Central Asia, USA representatives discuss wide range of Issues at special session on Afghanistan

Media reports say US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West visited Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, to attend the C5+1 special session on Afghanistan that took place there on July 27-28. During the session, the five Central Asian countries and the United States discussed plans for providing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. asiaplustj.info »

2023-8-2 12:25

Pre-Cop27 session held to discuss Tajikistan’s position and preparation for the upcoming COP27

The Agency of Hydrometeorology of the Committee of Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan with the financial support of the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) conducted a pre-Cop27 session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) last month in Dushanbe, where all the relevant government and non-government organization such as UNDP, FAO, GIZ, asiaplustj.info »

2022-11-4 14:43

Enlarged government session held in Dushanbe yesterday

Presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, who is also the Head of the Government, an enlarged government session took place in Dushanbe yesterday to review the results of the past year's work. The Tajik president’s official website says the session reviewed the results of socio-economic activities carried out in the country last year and determined the main tasks for this year. asiaplustj.info »

2022-1-21 07:14

Pre-COP26 session of UNFCC held in Dushanbe to discuss national position and preparation for COP26

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), jointly with the Agency of Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan conducted a pre-Cop26 Session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Dushanbe, where all the relevant government agencies were invited. asiaplustj.info »

2021-10-29 12:18

President to hold government session today to review the results of the past year's work

President Emomali Rahmon is holding an enlarged session of the government to review the results of the past year's work and set tasks for this year. In addition to members of the government, heads of all provinces, cities and districts as well as rectos of universities and heads of banks have also been invited to attend this session. asiaplustj.info »

2021-1-27 07:24

Joint session of both chambers of parliament sets the date for this year’s presidential election in Tajikistan

A joint session of both chambers of parliament that took place today has set the date for this year’s presidential election in Tajikistan. The session, presided over by Malisi Milli (Tajikistan’s upper house of parliament) Speaker Rustam Emomali, has made a decision to hold this year’s presidential election in Tajikistan on October 11, 2020. asiaplustj.info »

2020-8-6 12:04