Money transfers from Russia to Tajikistan become available through the faster payment system

2023-2-20 09:47

Russian now have an opportunity to send money to the near abroad countries through the faster payment system (SBP). Izvestiya says customers of Tinkoff now can send money to banks in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member nations.

Other Russian loaning agencies are also establishing cross-border money transfers through the faster payment system. .

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the money system payment through faster

The money will be paid monthly from the payroll fund.

The government of Tajikistan has adopted the procedure for issuing compensation to citizens whose work is related to state secrets. «Monthly compensation to the official salary (tariff rate) is paid to citizens working directly in the regime-secret body of state bodies and organizations», - says in a document published on the legal information portal of the Ministry of Justice. »

2022-09-19 10:01