Now, the situation in Afghanistan is more dangerous for the region than for the international community, says Amir Ismail Khan

2023-11-28 08:50

Mohammad Ismail Khan, a prominent figure in Afghanistan who served as Minister of Energy and Water of Afghanistan from 2005 to 2013 and before that served as the governor of Herat province, has participated in the 11th Herat Security Dialogue (HSD- XI) which is concluding in Dushanbe today.

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now the situation afghanistan more dangerous for

Previously, people complained about the lack of USD, now about short of TJS, says Amonatbonk head

Amonatbonk (Tajikistan’s savings bank) Chairman Sirojiddin Ikromi on July 22 gave a news conference of the results of activities carried out by the bank over the first six months of this year.  Irkomi, in particular, expressed concern about population’s wrong management of their foreign currency savings. »

2022-07-22 13:44