Saudi Arabia provides assistance to vulnerable families in Tajikistan during the month of Ramadan

2024-3-19 09:30

Saudi Arabia has provided humanitarian aid to vulnerable families in Dushanbe on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, according to the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Dushanbe.     The aid was handed over to residents of four districts of Dushanbe on March 17.

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the saudi dushanbe

Sentence to head of Tajik employment agency does not reflect the situation of migrants' rights in Saudi Arabia, says Saudi embassy

The sentence imposed on a Tajik national does not reflect the reality of the situation in the field of protection of the rights of foreign citizens in Saudi Arabia, says a statement released by the Saudi Arabia Embassy in Dushanbe about a report of the Prosecutor-General’s Office of Tajikistan on the sentence imposed on Jamoliddin Rasoulov, the head of the employment agency “Jamol »

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