Tajikistan still waiting for money from international donors for completion of the Roghun HPP

2023-1-30 14:41

In a report released at news conference in Dushanbe, the Minister of Energy and Water Resources Daler Juma noted on January 30 that negotiations between Tajikistan and partners for financing of the Roghun hydropower project (HPP) are under way.

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tajikistan still waiting for money from international donors

Children from low-income families in Tajikistan still forced to earn a living for themselves and their families

In Dushanbe, children can be seen washing cars, selling small items, behind the counters of stores and other retail outlets where they help and sometimes even replace adults. They offer their help to carry bags and heavy bags near large shopping malls, and some of them even offer to shine shoes, a report issued by CABAR.asia on June 6 says . asiaplustj.info »

2022-06-16 12:33