The number of sand and dust storms has more than increased tenfold in Tajikistan

2023-11-17 15:10

The United Nations estimates that 80 percent of the Tajik population is exposed to the highest concentrations of fine particles, known as PM2.5. Experts note that these types of storms used to be rare but they now start in spring and continue into the autumn in large parts of Central Asia. Ms.

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the number sand and dust storms has more

Prime minister orders to increase the number of labs for implementing COVID diagnostic test

A regular sitting of the Republican Commission for Prevention of the Further Spread of COVID-19, presided over by Prime Minister, Qohir Rasoulzoda, took place in Dushanbe on June 2.  It was noted during the meeting that in May alone, the number of labs for implementing COVID diagnostic test increased in Dushanbe from one to four that allowed carrying out more than 15,600 PRC-based tests. »

2020-06-03 14:35