This year, the Hajj pilgrimage will cost Tajik Muslims more than 5,000 U.S. dollars

2022-6-4 16:09

The first group of Tajik Hajj pilgrims will be sent to Arabia Saudi  on June 20,  Afshin Muqim, a spokesman for the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan, told Asia-Plus Friday afternoon.

   According to him, Saudi Arabia has allotted a quota of 3,562 pilgrims to Tajikistan who will be able to perform the annual Hajj ritual this year. .

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the will hajj

Tajikistan will compete in 18 sports at the Asian Games. A record number of athletes are going to China

For the first time in its history, Tajikistan will represent more than 100 athletes at the Asian Summer Games in Hangzhou, China. Tajik athletes will take part in 18 sports out of 40 announced in the program of the Asian Games, which will start on September 23, Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee of Tajikistan Dilshod Nazarov told “Asia-Plus”. »

2023-09-05 14:00

Severe cold will come to Tajikistan

Snowfalls and frost await all of Central Asia. Severe cold will begin in Tajikistan from January 10. The air temperature at night in some areas will drop to -17, during the day - to -8 degrees, the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Republic reports. »

2023-01-06 09:49

This year, Mastchoh district hosts official celebratory events dedicated to the next anniversary of the peace accord

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2020-06-02 07:51