2024-3-5 07:40 |
This year, the holy month of Ramadan will start in Tajikistan on March 11, according to the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan (CRA).
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2024-3-5 07:40 |
This year, the holy month of Ramadan will start in Tajikistan on March 11, according to the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan (CRA).
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This year, Shuroi Ulamo (Council of Ulema – Tajikistan’s highest Islamic institution) has set the contribution for zakat for Muslims having annual income of no less than 36,000 somonis (TJS) at TJS900. asiaplustj.info »
2025-02-25 14:04
This year, the holy month of Ramadan will start in Tajikistan on March 1, according to the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan (CRA). asiaplustj.info »
2025-02-25 13:50
Tajikistan authorities have decreased a foreign manpower quote for this year By president’s decree, which is posted on the Justice Ministry’s website for legal information, this year’s foreign manpower quota is set at 6,500 people, which is 1000 people fewer than in 2023. asiaplustj.info »
2024-03-29 08:45
This year, G5 Business Forum, which is an intensive incubation program for start-up entrepreneurs, will take place on December 22 in Bokhtar, the capital of the southern province of Khatlon. Six successful entrepreneurs will speak at the forum, talking about ways to achieve success in their fields. asiaplustj.info »
2023-12-19 09:31
This year, International Culture and Tourism Festival “Roof of the World” is expected to take place in the Central Park of Khorog City, the capital of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), from August 22-23. asiaplustj.info »
2023-07-21 13:58
According to the preliminary data from the Shuroi Ulamo (Council of Ulema – Tajikistan’s highest Islamic institution), this year, Tajikistan will celebrate Idi Qurbon, or Eid al-Adha in Arabic, on June 28. asiaplustj.info »
2023-06-19 13:02
This year, the final round of the Sairi Guli Lola (Walking along the Tulip Field) contest and the award ceremony for the winners of the contest will take place in Dushanbe’s Firdavsi Park in the first half of April, according to the Ministry of Culture (MoC). asiaplustj.info »
2023-03-10 12:25
AKIpress reported on January 18 that the Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Jeenbek Kulubayev has said that 2022 was rather complex period of relations with Tajikistan. "September incident... we held talks after that a very long time. The situation is getting better slowly. asiaplustj.info »
2023-01-18 12:56
This year, Tajikistan celebrated Idi Ramazon or Eid ul-Fitr on May 2. Festive prayer on the occasion of the end of the holy month of Ramadan was performed at all mosques of the country at 6:00 am. asiaplustj.info »
2022-05-03 07:29
This year, Shuroi Ulamo (Council of Ulema – Tajikistan’s highest Islamic institution) has set the contribution for zakat for Muslims having annual income of no less than 35,000 somonis (TJS) at TJS875. asiaplustj.info »
2022-03-29 11:49
DUSHANBE, November 25, 2021, Asia-Plus – 21 projects were already handed over in Tajikistan during this year and 20 other projects were signed this year so far. asiaplustj.info »
2021-11-25 14:23
This year, Shuroi Ulamo (Council of Ulema – Tajikistan’s highest Islamic institution) has set the contribution for zakat for Muslims having annual income of no less than 25,000 somonis (TJS) at TJS625. asiaplustj.info »
2021-04-08 12:31
This year, the holy month of Ramadan will start in Tajikistan on April 13, according to the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan (CRA). asiaplustj.info »
2021-04-08 12:21
On Monday February 22, President Emomali Rahmon signed an order on holding three culture contests in the country this year on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan’s Independence, which will be celebrated on September 9 this year. asiaplustj.info »
2021-02-22 13:41
The head of the Committee for TV and Radio-broadcasting under the Government of Tajikistan, Nouriddin Said, told reporters in Dushanbe on February 10 that a new TV channel will be launched in the country this year. asiaplustj.info »
2021-02-11 07:34
Subunits of the Armed Force of Tajikistan have begun preparations for this year’s International Military Games (ArMI 2021). Tajik Defense Minister, Colonel-General Sherali Mirzo, has signed the plan of preparations for participation in ArMI 2021. asiaplustj.info »
2021-01-04 13:17
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with increasing trade tensions and an already slowing global economy, have paved the way for the world’s worst economic performance since the Great Depression, according to the new Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Trends briefs issued by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). asiaplustj.info »
2020-12-28 14:51
Tajikistan’s external trade turnover has amounted to some 3.8 billion U.S. dollars over the first ten months of this year, which is 3.3 percent more than in the same period last year, according to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan In January-October this year, the trade balance was negative and amounted to nearly 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. asiaplustj.info »
2020-11-18 07:56
It increased mainly due to the attraction of an IMF loan. The size of Tajikistan's external debt as of October 1 of this year amounted to about $ 3 billion 163 million, the Ministry of Finance of the republic reports. asiaplustj.info »
2020-11-17 14:34
In Tajikistan, inflation in the consumer goods sector over the first nine months of this year has stood at 5.1 percent, according to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan. The cost of products of the food industry in January-September has reportedly increased on average by 6.3 percent. asiaplustj.info »
2020-10-19 12:53
Tajikistan’s external trade turnover has amounted to more than 3.4 billion U.S. dollars over the first nine months of this year, which is 8.3 percent more than in the same period last year, according to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan In January-September this year, the trade balance was negative and amounted to little more than 1 billion U.S. dollars. asiaplustj.info »
2020-10-16 12:22
The republic has increased the internal processing of this metal. Enterprises of Tajikistan for 8 months of this year processed 6. 2 thousand tons of primary aluminum, reported by the country's Ministry of Industry and New Technologies. asiaplustj.info »
2020-10-05 08:25
Electronic data collection technologie are expected to be used in this year’s population and housing census in Tajikistan. According to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan, three methods will used this year in the population and housing census -- Internet survey, survey using a tablet with special software, and traditional census approach (paper questionnaire). asiaplustj.info »
2020-09-11 15:47
This year, Tajikistan marked the 29th anniversary of its independence without public events due to the coronavirus pandemic. No mass events such as theatrical shows and festivities were held this year on the occasion of Independence Day. asiaplustj.info »
2020-09-10 09:25
This year, Tajikistan will celebrate Independence Day modestly amid coronavirus pandemic. No mass events such as theatrical shows and festivities will be held this year on the occasion of Independence Day. asiaplustj.info »
2020-09-03 12:40
Tajikistan plans to produce 2.2 million tons of coal this year, which is nearly 200,000 tons more than last year, according to the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies (MoINT). An official source at a MoINT says Tajik miners have produced 1.164 million tons of coal this year so far. asiaplustj.info »
2020-08-27 12:43
This year, Tajikistan will celebrate Independence Day modestly amid coronavirus pandemic. No theatrical shows and no festivals will be held this year on the occasion of Independence Day. The government has made adjustments to the Independence Day celebrations due to the coronavirus crisis, a source within the Tajik government told Asia-Plus in an interview. asiaplustj.info »
2020-08-25 12:07
Tajikistan’s external trade turnover has amounted to 2. 454 billion U. S. dollars over the first seven months of this year, which is 45. 6 million U. S. dollars fewer than in the same period last year, according to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »
2020-08-19 08:24
A joint session of both chambers of parliament that took place today has set the date for this year’s presidential election in Tajikistan. The session, presided over by Malisi Milli (Tajikistan’s upper house of parliament) Speaker Rustam Emomali, has made a decision to hold this year’s presidential election in Tajikistan on October 11, 2020. asiaplustj.info »
2020-08-06 12:04
To-date, only 65 percent of Tajikistan’s population has access to digital television, the head of the Committee for TV and Radio-broadcasting, Nouriddin Said, told reporters in Dushanbe on July 22. He also noted that two new TV channels would be launched in the country this year. asiaplustj.info »
2020-07-22 15:09
A source within the Islamic Center of Tajikistan told Asia-Plus today that this year, celebration of Idi Qurbon, or Eid al-Adha in Arabic, falls on Monday, July 31. Last year, Tajikistan celebrates Eid al-Adha on August 11. asiaplustj.info »
2020-07-21 11:23
Tajikistan’s external trade turnover has amounted to 1. 871. 9 billion U. S. dollars over the first five months of this year, which is 109. 3 percent of the January-May 2019 level or 158. 9 million U. asiaplustj.info »
2020-07-01 13:56