Woman from Dushanbe punished for her daughter’s truancy

2024-4-18 13:10

A court in Dushanbe’s Firdavsi district has passed sentence on the woman, whose daughter failed for months to attend school.  The court has reportedly imposed a fine of more than 6,000 somonis on the woman. An article by Ms.

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woman from dushanbe punished for her daughter truancy

A woman from Zafarobod district suspected of killing her 9-year-old stepson

A 28-year-old woman has been detained in Zafarobod district of Sughd province on suspicion of killing her husband’s 9-year-old son, the Interior Ministry’s office in Sughd province says.  Nargiza Niyozova, a resident of Mehrobod settlement in this district, married Sorbon Niyozov two years ago, with this being the second marriage for both. asiaplustj.info »

2024-12-04 07:57

Woman from Vahdat Township arrested on suspicion of organizing activities of extremist organizations

A 44-year-old woman from Vahdat Township, Shohida Mahmadjonova, who disappeared after visiting the Vahdat police station on February 3 reappeared on February 8 after the Interior Ministry said that criminal proceedings were instituted against her under the provisions of Article 307 (2) of Tajikistan’s Penal Code – organizing activities of an extremist organization. asiaplustj.info »

2022-02-09 09:49

A woman from Khujand detained for organizing a stash disguised as an hourly rate hotel

Police in the Tajik northern city of Khujand have uncovered a stash. According to the Interior Ministry’s official website, officers from the criminal investigation department of the Sughd police directorate on December 4 uncovered a stash disguised as an hourly rate hotel, organized by the 40-year-old local woman. asiaplustj.info »

2021-12-14 09:42