4,370 officially confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in Tajikistan as of June 5, 2020

2020-6-5 16:37

81 new cases of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) were officially reported in Tajikistan on Friday, bringing a total number of the officially confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country to 4,370 as of June 5, 2020.

90 COVID-19 patients reportedly recovered on Friday.   As of the evening of June 5, 2,491 COVID-19 patients have recovered as of June 5, 2020. .

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june the covid-19 2020 cases officially

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The governor of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Yodgor Faizov, was discharged from a hospital on June 1.  The same day, he paid visit to the Rushan district to get acquainted with the situation there after a protest rally held by a group of residents of Rushan outside local security service office on May 25. asiaplustj.info »

2020-06-01 17:29