From July 1, the price of liquefied gas will rise in Kazakhstan; will this affect Tajikistan?

2024-6-11 14:00

The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan plans to adjust the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the country starting from July 1.  One third of Tajikistan's LPG imports come from Kazakhstan.  The ministry has determined that the price of LPG is significantly lower than its production cost.

The production cost reportedly ranges from 60,000 to 70,000 tenge (US$133. 36 - US$155. .

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the from lpg kazakhstan price

The Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan announced the approximate number of Tajik prisoners sent from Russian prisons to the war

Approximately 100 Tajik citizens were sent to war in Ukraine from Russian prisons, Tajik Interior Minister Ramazon Rahimzoda said today during a press conference in Dushanbe. However, the minister did not say anything specific on this issue and only under pressure from journalists reported on the approximate number of Tajiks sent from Russian prisons to the war. »

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GBAO governor discharged from a hospital on June 1; the same day he visits Rushan district

The governor of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Yodgor Faizov, was discharged from a hospital on June 1.  The same day, he paid visit to the Rushan district to get acquainted with the situation there after a protest rally held by a group of residents of Rushan outside local security service office on May 25. »

2020-06-01 17:29