GBAO announces fulfillment of its spring conscription campaign target the day before the start of the draft

2022-4-2 09:48

The Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region, or GBAO, has announced fulfillment of its spring conscription campaign target the day before the start of the military draft.     The GBAO authorities announced fulfillment of the region’s spring conscription campaign target today morning, while the military draft is starting just today.

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the campaign conscription gbao draft spring fulfillment

GBAO fulfills its spring conscription campaign target in one day

The Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) has fulfilled its spring conscription campaign target in one day. The spring conscription campaign began in the country yesterday and all cities and districts of GABO fulfilled their conscription campaign targets by the evening, Faridoun Mahmadalizoda, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense (MoD), told Asia-Plus in an interview. »

2021-04-02 09:38