Khatlon governor instructs to resolve the issue with land for China’s leather and wool processing plant

2024-5-28 13:45

A Chinese company intends to construct a leather and wool processing plant in the Tajik southern province of Khatlon.  If the issue of allocating a land plot is resolved, construction work and equipment delivery will begin already in June, says the press center of the Khatlon governor’s office.

  On Monday May 27, Khatlon Governor, Mr. Davlatali Said, reportedly received Mr. .

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For the first time in 10 years, Khatlon province fulfills its spring conscription campaign target ahead of schedule

The southern province of Khatlon reported the fulfillment of its spring conscription campaign target on May 15.  An official source within the Khatlon government says that for the first time over the past decade, Khatlon province has fulfilled its spring conscription campaign ahead of schedule. »

2024-05-15 12:22