Результатов: 3

Transport minister inspects rehabilitation of Qalai Khumb-Vanj section of the Dushanbe-Khorog highway

As part of his working visit to the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), the Minister of Transport Azim Ibrohim last week got acquainted with the progress of rehabilitation of the Qalai Khumb -- Vanj (up to Rushan district’s border) section of the Dushanbe-Khorog-Kulma highway, according to the Ministry of Transport (MoT) press center. asiaplustj.info »

2023-5-30 08:01

Letters of exchange on the project for rehabilitation of Qalai Khumb-Vanj section of Dushanbe-Khorog highway sent to parliament

The Government of Tajikistan has instructed to send the Letters of Exchange on the Project for Rehabilitation of the Qalai Khumb-Vanj-Rushan Administrative Border Section of the Dushanbe-Khorog-Kulma-China Highway for ratification to the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament). asiaplustj.info »

2021-6-14 13:55