A man with mental disabilities suspected of setting fire to two mosques in Tursunzoda

2023-5-1 14:08

The Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan (CRA) has written on its Facebook page that a man with mental disabilities is suspected of setting fire to two five-time mosques in two villages subordinate to the city of Tursunzoda.

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man with mental disabilities suspected setting fire two

On the Dushanbe-Vakhdat highway, a minibus collided with a KAMaAZ a man died

8 victims taken to Dushanbe hospital. The tragedy took place today closer to morning on the territory of the Rudaki district: the "Stareks" minibus entered the KAMAZ.  As a result of the accident, a 57-year-old resident of the Yavan region died, eight people were injured, said the head of the press center of the Committee for Emergency Situations Umeda Yusufi. asiaplustj.info »

2021-10-01 08:50

Old man with his bear, Maria, can return to Dushanbe; Ilmhona works out branding and identity of Tajik capital

Asia-Plus has talked to Mr. Farrukh Umarov, an executive director of Ilmhona, who told us where the idea came from to visualize our city, and why brand and identity are so important for Dushanbe. “Each country must have any brand so that to increase its visibility.  For Tajikistan, such a brand is our beautiful mountains. asiaplustj.info »

2020-06-12 08:04