Private mobile phone companies operating in Tajikistan earn over 1.8 billion somonis in H1 2023

2023-7-28 15:11

In a  report released at a news conference in Dushanbe, Ilhom Atoyev, the deputy head of the country’s communications service agency, revealed on July 28 that   revenues of private mobile phone companies operating in Tajikistan over the first six months of this year have amounted to more than 1.8 billion somonis.

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private mobile phone companies operating tajikistan earn over

Private mobile phone companies operating in Tajikistan earn 2.778 billion somonis in Jan-Sept this year

According to data from the communications service agency, revenues of mobile phone companies operating in Tajikistan over the first nine months of this year have amounted to 2.9149 billion somonis (equivalent to more than 267 million US dollars), which is 10.2 percent more than in the same period last year. »

2023-11-22 09:29