Russia expected to resume regular air traffic with Tajikistan on April 1

Beginning on April 1, Russia will resume regular air traffic with Tajikistan, Germany, Syria, Venezuela, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan, according to RIA Novosti .  Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, who is also Chairperson of the Operational Headquarters on Preventing the Coronavirus Spread in Russia, reportedly held a meeting of the Operational Headquarters on this subject. »

2021-03-26 08:17

Russia expected to compile a database of migrants

Russia is expected to compile data based on foreign citizens arriving in the country.  The Russian Interior Ministry’s official website says the creation of a platform containing information about foreign nationals arriving in the country is required by the Plan of Actions on Implementation of the 2019-2025 National Migration Policy of Russia in 2020-2022. »

2020-06-05 09:42