Tajik Ambassador to China outlines priorities of Tajikistan’s rotating SCO chairmanship

2021-1-14 09:11

During its rotating chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Tajikistan will pay attention to the issues of ensuring cyber security and addressing social causes of the three evils – terrorism, separatism and extremism.

Tajik Ambassador to China Zohir Saidzoda remarked this at a media briefing that took place at the SCO Secretariat on January 12. .

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tajik ambassador china outlines priorities tajikistan rotating sco

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On Monday July 5, Tajikistan Ambassador to Afghanistan Sa’di Sharifi met in Kabul with Hamdullah Muhib, the Adviser to the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for National Security Matters.  According to the Tajik MFA information department, the two discussed the situation in Afghanistan’s areas bordering Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »

2021-07-06 12:29