Tajik blogger faces charges of inciting hatred or enmity

2024-9-26 14:54

A court in Moscow’s Chertanovo district has ruled that blogger from Tajikistan, is to be held in a pretrial detention facility as he is charged with inciting hatred or enmity (Article 282 (2) of Russia’s Penal Code).

According to the Telegram channel Mash , the state prosecution insisted on the arrest of a man who had previously been under house arrest. .

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tajik blogger faces charges inciting hatred enmity

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Tajik blogger Daler Imomali has gone on trial in Dushanbe on charges human rights organizations call unfounded. Citing sources close to prosecutor’s office, Radio Liberty’s Tajik Service , known locally as Radio Ozodi , reports a court in Dushanbe’s Shohmansour district started the trial behind closed doors on October 7. asiaplustj.info »

2022-10-10 07:40