In Tajikistan in 2023, more than 160 officials have been held accountable for land-related manipulations

2024-1-26 13:22

In Tajikistan, cases of falsification of land-use rights documents, illegal transfer, buying and selling of land, arbitrary seizure of land plots, and other violations have not disappeared, said President Emomali Rahmon at a government meeting this week.

The text of his speech was published by the presidential press service on the official website. .

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tajikistan 2023 more than 160 officials have been

Tajikistan’s 2023 budget earmarks about 1.5 billion somonis in subventions

Tajikistan’s 2023 budget earmarks about 1.5 billion somonis in subventions to pay salaries of employees of federally funded institutions in some regions and districts of the country.   These funds will be channeled to local budgets of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Khatlon province and nine districts subordinate to the center. »

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