Tajikistan ranks last among CIS member countries in terms of the number of private car owners

2024-3-15 09:39

The number of vehicles has significantly increased in Tajikistan in recent years.  However, the country still lags behind its neighbors in terms of the number of private cars per capita.  The Ministry of Transport of Tajikistan (MoT) has published several statistics on the number of vehicles in the country.

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Prime minister orders to increase the number of labs for implementing COVID diagnostic test

A regular sitting of the Republican Commission for Prevention of the Further Spread of COVID-19, presided over by Prime Minister, Qohir Rasoulzoda, took place in Dushanbe on June 2.  It was noted during the meeting that in May alone, the number of labs for implementing COVID diagnostic test increased in Dushanbe from one to four that allowed carrying out more than 15,600 PRC-based tests. asiaplustj.info »

2020-06-03 14:35