Three police officers reportedly punished over the death of Kulob resident

Three officers of the Kulob police department have been punished over the death of a 37-year-old resident of the city of Kulob, Abduqahhor Roziqov.   Interior Minister Ramazon Rahimzoda said this at a news conference in Dushanbe today while reporting on the results of the work carried out by his ministry last year. »

2023-02-15 14:48

The woman suspected of killing 7-year-old boy mentally healthy, says the boy’s relatives

Police are looking for a woman, who is suspected of killing a 7-year-old boy. The tragedy took place in Dushanbe on March 5.  A 53-year-old woman, who is the wife of the uncle of the boy’s father, is suspected of committing this crime, according to the Dushanbe Police Directorate Police are reportedly looking for the woman and an investigation is under way. »

2021-03-10 12:04