WHO appoints new representative to Tajikistan, replacing Ms. Karryyeva who contracted COVID-19

2021-1-23 14:35

U. N. health agency has appointed a new special representative to Tajikistan, replacing Ms. Bakhtygul Karryyeva, who reportedly contracted the novel coronavirus (COVID-15) in late November after visiting the Tajik northern Sughd province.

   According to our sources, acting representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Tajikistan, Ms. .

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WHO experts and new group of Polish healthcare workers arrive in Tajikistan

Nine WHO experts and a new group of Polish healthcare workers have arrived in Tajikistan.  As the previous group, they will assist Tajik colleges with combating the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Recall the first group of representatives of the Polish Emergency Medical Team (EMT) consisting of 16 experts arrived in Tajikistan, along with three WHO experts on June 6. asiaplustj.info »

2020-06-15 07:27