Результатов: 66

Russian state-owned airline changes the rules for carrying children of migrants.

Since the beginning of March, Khabarovsk Airlines has updated its rules for transporting children with foreign citizenship, Komsomolskaya Pravda – Khabarovsk reports . Now, parents of children aged 2 to 12 years who are not citizens of Russia will not be able to take advantage of discounts on airline tickets and will have to pay the full price, the same as for adult passengers. asiaplustj.info »

2025-3-12 15:18

Russian official calls to end enrollment of migrant children in schools without Russian language proficiency

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman, Dmitry Medvedev, has urged that the enrollment of migrant children without Russian language proficiency in Russian schools be halted, TASS reports . “This situation, which is frequently discussed in areas of social service, concerns schools and other educational institutions where children are admitted despite lacking knowledge of Russian. asiaplustj.info »

2024-11-1 13:10

UNICEF: Tajikistan has become the 67th country in the world to ban corporal punishment of children at the legislative level

Tajikistan has achieved a complete ban on corporal punishment of children with the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Responsibility for Education and Upbringing of Children” as amended in 2024 (the former Law “On Responsibility of Parents for the upbringing of children” was adopted in 2011). asiaplustj.info »

2024-9-4 14:36

Tajikistan signs the Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action

Tajikistan signed the Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action on May 6, becoming the third in Central Asia to sign this historic commitment, which aims to accelerate inclusive climate policies and actions that prioritize the well-being of children and young people at the national level, says press release issued by UNICEF Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »

2024-5-8 13:55

UN chief says Gaza becoming a 'graveyard for children'

The nightmare in Gaza is more than a humanitarian crisis.  It is a crisis of humanity,” he said, speaking to journalists at UN Headquarters in New York on November 6. Mr. Guterres highlighted how “the unfolding catastrophe in Gaza makes the need for a humanitarian ceasefire more urgent with every passing hour,” stressing that the protection of civilians is paramount. asiaplustj.info »

2023-11-7 07:46

The head of the HRC proposed to ban the acceptance of children who do not speak Russian to schools of Russian Federation

Head of the Presidential Council of Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC) Valery Fadeev proposed amendments to the legislation prohibiting the admission of children who do not know Russian to schools, and implying the teaching of Russian to children from migrant families in special centers. asiaplustj.info »

2023-8-17 07:50

Mudslide kills three, including two children in eastern Tajikistan

A massive mudslide killed three people, including two children, in the village of Qushai, Vahdat jamoat in Lakhsh district (Rasht Valley) in early hours of June 1. Radio Liberty’s Tajik Service, known locally as Radio Ozodi, cited local officials as saying that a huge slurry of mud and rocks hit the house under the hill, killing people, including two children. asiaplustj.info »

2023-6-2 07:38

Three small children die after falling through ice on frozen artificial pond in Muminobod

Three small children died Saturday (January 21) evening after falling through ice on a frozen artificial pond in Balkhob village of Muminobod district in the southern province of Khatlon. According to the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan, the tragedy took place at around 5:30 pm. asiaplustj.info »

2023-1-23 09:03

UNICEF launches a new multimedia migration portal called 'Children in Migration'

On Wednesday June 15, UNICEF launched a new multimedia migration portal called 'Children in Migration' UNICEF Office in Tajikistan says the portal was launched by UNICEF within the EU & UNICEF co-funded ‘Protecting Children and Families Affected by Migration in Southeast, South, and Central Asia’ project during its concluding Project Advisory Committee meeting with asiaplustj.info »

2022-6-16 13:46

Children from low-income families in Tajikistan still forced to earn a living for themselves and their families

In Dushanbe, children can be seen washing cars, selling small items, behind the counters of stores and other retail outlets where they help and sometimes even replace adults. They offer their help to carry bags and heavy bags near large shopping malls, and some of them even offer to shine shoes, a report issued by CABAR.asia on June 6 says . asiaplustj.info »

2022-6-16 12:33

Kyrgyzstan studies neighbors’ experiences in returning women and children stranded in Syrian refugee camps

Kyrgyzstan is studying experiences of neighboring countries, including Tajikistan, in bringing back home women and children stranded in Syrian refugee camps. Eurasianet says any success adapting this first group of children could represent a lifeline for the estimated 400 Kyrgyzstani women and children still languishing in northeast Syria. asiaplustj.info »

2022-6-14 14:03

Tajikistan toughens punishment for violence against children

Tajikistan’s lower house (Majlisi Namoyandagon) of parliament on November 17 toughened punishment for violence against children, endorsing amendments made to the country’s administrative code.  The amendments provide for increasing the fine for violence against children from 180-300 somonis to 420 somonis.  Lawmakers have voted for the amendments unanimously. asiaplustj.info »

2021-11-22 12:43

Japan’s GGP supports rehabilitation of heating system in Konibodom children’s hospital

On Thursday October 7, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Tajikistan Takayuki Miyashita and Konibodom Mayor Abdusalom Tukhtasinzoda attended the handover ceremony of successful completion of “The Project for Rehabilitation of Heating System of Children Hospital in Konibodom City”. asiaplustj.info »

2021-10-8 08:07

Dushanbe hosts an exhibition of children's creativity "Welcome to the 20th anniversary of the SCO"

The National Museum of Tajikistan hosted the opening ceremony of the exhibition of children's creativity of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states entitled "Welcome to the 20th anniversary of the SCO", reported by the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »

2021-9-8 08:55

36 parents from Khatlon province punished in H1 2021 for children’s truancy

Thirty-six parents from Khatlon province have been punished over the first six months of this year for children’s truancy, according to the Khatlon prosecutor’s office. Criminal proceedings have been instituted against them under the provisions of Article 164 of Tajikistan’s Penal Code -- obstruction of obtaining basic compulsory general (nine-year) education. asiaplustj.info »

2021-7-23 09:36