Результатов: 28

Now, the situation in Afghanistan is more dangerous for the region than for the international community, says Amir Ismail Khan

Mohammad Ismail Khan, a prominent figure in Afghanistan who served as Minister of Energy and Water of Afghanistan from 2005 to 2013 and before that served as the governor of Herat province, has participated in the 11th Herat Security Dialogue (HSD- XI) which is concluding in Dushanbe today. asiaplustj.info »

2023-11-28 08:50

Международная организация Freedom Now призвала власти Таджикистана освободить осужденных адвокатов

Правозащитная организация Freedom Now со штаб-квартирой в Вашингтоне призвала власти Таджикистана выпустить на свободу независимых адвокатов, "задержанных и заключенных в тюрьму по политическим мотивам". asiaplustj.info »

2023-5-29 07:18

Top Russian diplomat says CSTO now will be able to send troops without the authorization of the UN SC

The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) now will be able to send troops without authorization of the United Nations Security Council, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Livor said in an interview with RIA Novotel and Russia 24 TV Channel on February 2, noting that relevant amendments to the Organization’s Charter are already being prepared. asiaplustj.info »

2023-2-3 09:32

Tajik migrants can now obtain Russian citizenship in one year. But they risk dying in Ukraine

The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law according to which the citizenship of this country can be obtained after serving only one year in the army. A new string of coffins may go from Ukraine to Tajikistan Russia is short of troops for the war with Ukraine and is looking for ways to replenish the ranks of its army. asiaplustj.info »

2022-9-24 14:00

Previously, people complained about the lack of USD, now about short of TJS, says Amonatbonk head

Amonatbonk (Tajikistan’s savings bank) Chairman Sirojiddin Ikromi on July 22 gave a news conference of the results of activities carried out by the bank over the first six months of this year.  Irkomi, in particular, expressed concern about population’s wrong management of their foreign currency savings. asiaplustj.info »

2022-7-22 13:44

Tajik labor migrants legally working in Russia now can get Russian pension

Tajik labor migrants working in the Russian Federation now    can apply for pension in the Russian Federation.   A relevant government-to-government agreement on this subject was signed between Tajikistan and Russia in September 2021, Dilmurod Davlatzoda, the head of the Agency for Insurance and Pensions, told reporters in Dushanbe on February 7. asiaplustj.info »

2022-2-8 13:51