Arvand Bank first Tajik lender to benefit from EBRD Solidarity Package

2020-7-31 13:33

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a financial package of US$ 2 million for Arvand Bank, the seventh-largest bank in Tajikistan, to support local businesses affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the EBRD Dushanbe Resident Office. The EBRD financing includes a US$ 1.

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the ebrd bank

EBRD vice-president visits Tajikistan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Vice-president for Policy and Partnerships, Mr. Mark Bowman, arrived in Dushanbe today on a three-day working visit (April 24-26). The EBRD Resident Office in Dushanbe says that while in Dushanbe, EBRD vice-president will hold talks with high-ranking Tajik state officials and the Bank’s customers in the country. »

2023-04-24 12:45

Tajikistan ratifies agreement with EBRD on the purchase of buses for Khujand

Tajikistan has ratified an agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the purchase of new buses for Khujand, the second largest city in Tajikistan Members of Tajikistan’s lower chamber (Majlisi Namoyandagon) of parliament today voted for ratification of the agreement between Tajikistan and the EBRD on the purchase of new buses for Khujand, the »

2020-06-17 13:54