Budget’s revenue part for January-March this year reportedly overfulfilled by 4.5 percent

2022-4-19 13:00

The revenue part of the country’s budget for the first three months of this year has been overfulfilled by 4. 5 percent, according to the Ministry of Finance (MoF). A source at a MoF says the budget’s revenue part for the first quarter of this year has stood at more than 7.

1 billion somonis (equivalent to 570 million U. S. dollars) instead of the originally planned 6. .

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the this year for revenue part budget

The fate of construction company owned by Beg Zuhurov’s son will be decided before the end of this year

The fate of the construction company Komil-2010, which owned by the son of Beg Zuhurov, the head of the communications service agency, is expected to be exuded before the end of this year.  The head of the Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government of Tajikistan, Jamshed Ahmadzoda, remarked this at a news conference in Dushanbe on July 17. asiaplustj.info »

2020-07-17 15:26