Government reorganizes Tajikistan’s savings bank into a state unitary enterprise

2023-3-2 09:17

The Tajik government has decided to reorganize Amonatbonk (Tajikistan’s savings bank) into a state unitary enterprise (SUE) and rename it “The Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan”.   Such a decision was taken at a government session that took place on February 28, according to the Tajik president’s official website.

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the bank savings government tajikistan

The International Bank of Tajikistan is now available in Vahdat Township and Roudaki District as well

The Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) The International Bank of Tajikistan (IBT) has opened its banking service centers in Vahdat Township and Roudaki District.  According to The International Bank of Tajikistan, the banking service centers are provided with the state-of-the-art equipment to offer the bank’s customers a complex of banking products and services. »

2021-11-01 12:12