Результатов: 7

Dushanbe-based clothing factory reintroduced into operation after large-scale modernization

The Dushanbe-based clothing factory Gulistoni Dushanbe (formerly Guliston) has been reintroduced into operation after a large-scale modernization. An official opening ceremony of the enterprise that took place on October 31 was attended  President Emomali Rahmon and Dushanbe Mayor Rustam Emomali. asiaplustj.info »

2023-11-1 13:59

Dushanbe-based markets and bazaars to take temperature of visitors and staff

Dushanbe Mayor Rustam Emomali yesterday held a meeting with heads of Dushanbe’s districts, senior representatives of law enforcement authorities and heads of local markets and bazaars to discuss the COVID-19 situation in the city and the implementation of the decision of the Republican Commission for Further Prevention of Spread of COVID-19 on tightening ant-epidemic measures in the asiaplustj.info »

2020-6-9 07:33