President Emomali Rahmon awarded the title of “Honorary Doctor” of Cairo University

2022-3-11 14:26

On March 10, as part of his official visit to Egypt Tajik President Emomali Rahmon visited Cairo University addressed teachers and students. According to the Tajik president’s official website, Emomali Rahmon was warmly welcomed by Cairo University President Mohamed Othman Elkhosht as well as other teachers and staff of the university.

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university president cairo the emomali rahmon

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani awarded title of Honorary Doctor of Tajik National University

Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has been awarded a title of Honorary Doctor of Tajik National University. According to Tajik National University (TNU)’s press center, the ceremony took place on March 29, after Afghan President’s meeting with Tajik Minister of Education and Science Muhammadyusuf Imomzoda and TNU Rector Qobiljon Khoushvakhtzoda at Tajik National University. »

2021-03-30 15:16