Tajikistan and WHO signed an agreement on financial and technical assistance

2022-9-13 14:51

Minister of Health and Social Protection of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Abdullozoda and Director of the WHO Regional Office for Europe Hans Kluge signed a new two-year cooperation agreement, the Ministry of Health of the Republic reports.

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tajikistan and who signed agreement financial technical

Tajikistan and China vow to boost bilateral collaboration

-- On Saturday May 18, President Emomali Rahmon received Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, who was on a two day official visit in Dushanbe, according to the Tajik president’s official website. In the course of the talks, the parties reportedly discussed the current state and prospects of further expansion of bilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and China. asiaplustj.info »

2024-05-20 08:33

Agreement addressing the border dispute between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan set to be signed in March, says Turkish FM

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has announced that an agreement addressing the long-standing border dispute between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan is set to be signed in March this year. According to Hurriyet Daily News , the announcement followed discussions between Fidan and Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon in Dushanbe on January 10. asiaplustj.info »

2024-01-11 09:54

Tajikistan and Russia to jointly combat wrong use of information and communication technologies

Tajikistan and Russia will jointly combat the wrong use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), in particular propagation of terrorism and extremism through Internet,  hacking of information infrastructure,  breach of public order, incitement of enmity between the peoples and so on. asiaplustj.info »

2024-01-04 08:26

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan agreed on the joint implementation of projects in all sectors of industry

To this end, the parties plan to create joint industrial enterprises. The government of Tajikistan, by its resolution, instructed to approve an agreement with the government of Uzbekistan on cooperation in the field of industry and new technologies, and take the necessary measures for its implementation. asiaplustj.info »

2022-01-24 15:15

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan discuss the issue of full resumption of bus service between their cities

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have discussed the issue of full resumption of bus service between their cities. A regular meeting of the Tajikistan-Uzbekistan joint commission on international road traffic took place in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent on January 12, according to the Ministry of Transport (MoT) of Uzbekistan. asiaplustj.info »

2022-01-14 14:36

Tajikistan and Turkey plan to increase their bilateral trade up to 1 billion U.S. dollars

A working meeting was held in Ankara on November 17 at  the initiative of the Embassy of Tajikistan in Ankara to discuss issues related to implementation of agreements reached at the 11th meeting of Tajikistan-Turkey joint commission for trade and economic cooperation and the search for timely and effective ways to implement the Joint Action Plan, according to the Tajik MFA information asiaplustj.info »

2021-11-18 09:20

Tajikistan and Mauritania establish diplomatic relations

On September 21, in New York, on the sidelines of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, the signing ceremony of the Joint Statement on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania was held, reported on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan. asiaplustj.info »

2021-09-23 08:07

Tajikistan and Pakistan sign ten new cooperation agreements

The agreements were signed in Dushanbe on September 17 following talks between Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Following the official visit of Imran Khan to Dushanbe, the President of Tajikistan and the Prime Minister of Pakistan signed a joint declaration, reported by the press service of the head of state. asiaplustj.info »

2021-09-20 09:50

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan plan to increase their bilateral trade to US$1 billion next year

Addressing a joint press conference with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in Dushanbe after their one-on-one meeting and a ceremony where various cooperation documents were signed, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said that his country supports Tajik leader’s initiative to declare 2025 as the "International Year of Glaciers Preservation" and set up the International Fund for asiaplustj.info »

2021-06-10 15:05

Tajikistan and Iran discuss the possibility of acceleration of completion of construction of Istiqlol Tunnel

Representatives of the Ministry of Transport (MoT) of Tajikistan and representatives of an official delegation of Iran, which arrived in Dushanbe for participation in the 14th session of the Tajikistan-Iran Joint Intergovernmental Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation, have discussed the possibility of speeding up the completion of the construction of the Istiqlol Tunnel. asiaplustj.info »

2021-06-10 07:56

Tajikistan and Pakistan share similar views on the majority of key regional and international issues, says Tajik leader

President Emomali Rahmon today received General Nadeem Raza, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan. According to the Tajik president’s official website, they discussed issues of expansion of bilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and Pakistan in providing regional security, jointly combating terrorism, radicalism, transnational organized crime and drug trafficking. asiaplustj.info »

2020-11-26 14:47

Health and nutrition in Tajikistan

While Tajikistan has made significant strides recovering from the collapse of the Soviet Union and ensuing civil war, challenges remain due to low financing, limited health sector management capacity, and lack of competencies on improving quality of care, according to the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). asiaplustj.info »

2020-08-17 13:47

U.S. Government fosters transboundary water cooperation between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan

On Friday August 7, U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan John Mark Pommersheim participated in an event to celebrate the opening of the Agency of Land Reclamation and Irrigation’s renovated conference hall, and a ceremonial handover of a wheel excavator for the Tajik Isfana Small Basin Council in Jabbor-Rasoulov district of Sughd province, both of which were supported by the U.S. asiaplustj.info »

2020-08-07 12:43

EU reiterates its support to reform processes aiming at sustainable socioeconomic development of Tajikistan

The European Union (EU) and the Republic of Tajikistan held their eighth Cooperation Committee on 28 July, according to the EU Delegation to Tajikistan.  The meeting that was co-chaired by Mr. Luc Pierre Devigne, acting Managing Director for Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, Regional Cooperation and OSCE at the European External Action Service and Mr. asiaplustj.info »

2020-07-29 09:23

Grant and project implementing agreement for EU-funded HPP construction in Tajikistan signed in Dushanbe

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, KfW and Pamir Energy signed the Grant and Project implementing agreement for construction of a small hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) of Tajikistan According to the European Union Delegation to Tajikistan, the document was inked by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Mr. asiaplustj.info »

2020-07-24 08:31