The Qosh Tepa canal causes water shortages in Central Asian downstream nations of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

2024-6-3 08:53 reported on May 30 that its correspondent has visited the border area between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan to see how the construction of the Qosh Tepa canal by Afghanistan is affecting the irrigation system in Uzbekistan.

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the qosh tepa canal causes water shortages central

Qosh Tepa canal being built by the Taliban may worsen already poor water management in Central Asia

In March last year, the self-proclaimed Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan set in motion an ambitious plan for the Qosh Tepa irrigation canal, a potential lifeline for drought-ridden Afghanistan. However, its construction casts a looming shadow over Central Asian downstream nations of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, exacerbating water scarcity threats. »

2023-07-26 12:30