Результатов: 5

Tokayev proposed to transfer pension savings of Kazakhstanis to foreign investors

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposed to provide foreign companies with access to pension assets of citizens of the republic. He made such an initiative on September 5 at a meeting of the board of Management of the “Astana” International Financial Center (AIFC), reports the press service of Akorda. asiaplustj.info »

2024-9-6 08:58

Government reorganizes Tajikistan’s savings bank into a state unitary enterprise

The Tajik government has decided to reorganize Amonatbonk (Tajikistan’s savings bank) into a state unitary enterprise (SUE) and rename it “The Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan”.   Such a decision was taken at a government session that took place on February 28, according to the Tajik president’s official website. asiaplustj.info »

2023-3-2 09:17

Financial frauds detected in Tajikistan’s savings bank reportedly amount to 3.6 million USD

The head of Amonatbonk (Tajikistan’s savings bank) Sirojiddin Ikromi told reporters in Dushanbe on February 9 that an internal audit has revealed shortfall of funds in the accounts and provided the information about account shortfalls to the Accounts Chamber and the Prosecutor-General’s Office, according to Radio Liberty’s Tajik Service , known locally as Radio Ozodi . asiaplustj.info »

2021-2-9 14:52