Regional administrators will now be fired for illegal allotment of lands and luxury weddings

2022-6-23 12:51

President Emomali Rahmon has signed a decree on amendments made to the RT Constitutional Law “On the Local Governments. ”  The amendments provide for sacking local officials for illegal allotment of lands and organization of luxury weddings.

   Amendments have been made to Article 22, which regards grounds for dismissal of heads of provinces, cities and districts. .

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Mandatory fingerprint registration and photography imposed on labor migrants in Russia

Russian media reports say new rules that will come into effect in the Russian Federation on December 29 will impose mandatory fingerprint registration and photography in addition for medical examinations for foreign cities arriving in Russia for employment purposes and those arriving in Russia for purposes other than work for a period exceeding 90 calendar days. »

2021-12-06 09:21

AKAH and Tajikistan’s Committee for Architecture and Construction partner to open an urban planning and design lab

The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) has signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government of Tajikistan Government of the Republic of Tajikistan’s Committee of Architecture and Construction and announced plans to set an urban planning and design lab within the Committee. »

2021-08-18 09:44

Geographical Indications – selection of four potential GI products in Central Asia for piloting

With the aim to promote regional agricultural products of Central Asia, improve the recognizability and image of the region, and contribute to rural development, four national online workshops for the selection of potential GI (Geographical Indications) products in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan for piloting were conducted in July 2021, according to the European Union »

2021-08-05 12:12

Op-Ed by Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission

“The European Union is a powerful and reliable partner for developing sustainable connectivity in Central Asia and Afghanistan as well as fostering peace and security in the region. These are the main topics on the agenda for my upcoming trip to Tashkent, Uzbekistan from 15 to 17 July. »

2021-07-16 13:08

Relations between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan of particular importance for Central Asia’s countries

Julien Thorez, a geographer at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France, Paris, in an interview specially for the analytical platform discusses the conflicts in the region from the point of view of postcolonialism, analyzes the factors of the collision of interests of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and also highlights the most important forms of peacebuilding. »

2021-07-12 10:19

Ambassador Terhi Hakala appointed EU Special Representative for Central Asia

The Council of the European Union has appointed Ambassador Terhi Hakala to serve as the European Union (EU) Special Representative (EUSR) for Central Asia, starting on July 1, 2021. The EUSRs work under the authority of High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell and support his work in the implementation of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). »

2021-06-23 13:32

UN Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Regional Director for Europe and CIS to visit Tajikistan on mission to Central Asia

Ms. Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, Assistant Secretary-General for the United Nations and  Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia, will visit Tajikistan from 20 to 22 June 2021 following her visit to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, according to UNDP's Country Office in Tajikistan. Ms. »

2021-06-18 11:49

Tajikistan needs US$10.2 billion for implementation of the medium-term development program for 2021-2025

The draft medium-term development program of Tajikistan designed for 2021-2025 was discussed at a roundtable in Dushanbe on March 18.     According to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MoEDT), representatives of relevant ministries and agencies, development partners and experts as well as representatives of civil society participated in the discussion. »

2021-03-19 12:43

Horticulture of Tajikistan 2020: superfoods, disappointments, and price peaks

The EastFruit team sums up the results of 2020 for Tajikistan regarding the prospects for developing the fruit and vegetable business. The year was reportedly very unusual: unprecedented price fluctuations, unpredictable logistics, closed borders even for goods, and unusual weather conditions created many problems for farmers and other market participants. »

2021-03-17 13:19

Training center for Central Asian and Afghan rescuers to be built in Tajikistan

As part of the project “Stabilization of Tajikistan’s Southern Border Region with Afghanistan,” the first stage of construction  of the National Training Center for rescuers from Tajikistan, Central Asia’s nations and Afghanistan began on January, says press release issued by the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan. »

2021-01-19 15:04

Tajikistani jailed in Russia for aiding and abetting terrorists

A Tajik national has been jailed in Russia for aiding and abetting terrorists, according to Interfax.  Citing press center of the Federal Security Service (FSB)’s regional office, Interfax reports that the Khabarovsk military court sentenced Tajik national Ilhomkhouja Ibrohimjonov to 12 years in prison on October 22. »

2020-10-23 08:39

Construction of new buildings for Tajik parliament and government will start soon

Construction of new buildings for Tajik parliament and government is expected to begin in Dushanbe soon. Construction of the new buildings for Tajik parliament and government will begin in Dushanbe as soon as Chinese contractors arrive, the head of the Committee for Architecture and Construction, Jamshed Ahmadzoda, told reporters in Dushanbe on July 17. »

2020-07-17 12:18


Правозащитники призвали президента Казахстана обеспечить безопасность Жанболата Мамая и его семьи

Международная правозащитная организация IFEX обратилась к президенту Казахстана Нурсултану Назарбаеву с открытым письмом, в котором призывает прекратить преследование главного редактора газеты «Трибуна. »

2017-03-27 16:59